** Artists ** - Please see ourĀ Artists Submission Page
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On the Rise
Artists in Early and Mid-Career
Artists in Early and Mid-Career
Thank you very much for visiting the Gallery With A Cause website. Our current exhibit showcases 343 works of art by 20 artists. Here, along with pictures of every piece of art, you'll find detailed information about the artists and the artwork. We welcome your feedback. We hope you'll call to arrange a visit to see the artwork in person, too!Ā Sales support the non-medical needs of patients dealing with life-changing illness, and are gratefully appreciated by patients and the artists.
June 1 - August 24, 2018
curated by Regina Held
Featuring works in a variety of media and genres by artists in that fertile and driven state of their careers where art is their life. From the young and hip to those that blossomed once they retired from other careers, the artists in this show share a unique vision, rare talent and are to be watched.Ā Please scroll down to find a representative piece of each artist's work, with links to the artists' gallery page where all of their work can be viewed with detailed information about each piece, and links to each artist's Bio.
To protect the privacy of patients, gallery hours are by appointment only. Preferred times are:
Mon - Fri, 8 - 9 am or after 4 pm.
Please call (505) 828-3791 to arrange a private gallery tour, make a purchase, or ask any questions.

Images from Open House Reception, June 2, 2018 at NMCC
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