I have been a New Mexico artist since 1977. I studied graphic design at Prairie State College in Illinois but my real interest was illustration. I find great satisfaction painting fruit, flowers and still life with dramatic lighting a prominent feature in my fairly realistic work.
I've been honored with numerous awards both in state and nationally. I am a signature member of New Mexico Watercolor Society and Western Federation of Watercolor Societies and a member of the National Watercolor Society.
My watercolor, “One Scoop or Two”, was selected as a finalist in the Still Life/Floral category of The Artist's Magazine 30th Annual Art Competition and a Finalist in the Still Life/Interior category of The Artist's Magazine 33rd Annual Art Competition with, "Little Sallie Mandy". I have a piece, “Real Cherries” published in North Light Books, Splash 14, and "Pat's Gerber Daisies" in Splash 18: Value | Light + Dark, books featuring selected watercolor artists nationwide. I also have a painting featured in the Northlight Book AcrylicWorks 2: Radical Breakthroughs and AcrylicWorks 6: Creative Energy
I show my work at Trails End Gallery and Boudreau’s Jewelry and Gallery in Las Cruces and Weem's Gallery in Albuquerque. I have an annual booth at Las Cruces Arts Fair.
I love light and color plus a little drama! Fruit, flowers and still life make me especially happy. Watercolor is the perfect way for me to express my enthusiasm!