I was born in Oklahoma, but moved to New Mexico when very young. I am a former Albuquerque Public School teacher. After retiring, I taught art to adults and high school students.
Robert Woods, Milford Zornes, Millard Sheets, and Charles Reid were some of the well-known artists I studied with. I enjoy painting in watercolor, oil, and acrylics. I am also a signature member of the New Mexico Watercolor Society.
My paintings have been in many juried shows and are owned by collectors around the United States.
Artist Statement
The understated serenity of Shady Lakes; the sensual, flowing lines of gladiolas, hollyhocks, calla lilies; the excitement of feast day dances at San Ildefonso; the colorful sandstone cliffs of Ghost Ranch, jutting into the crisp blue skyline ... I see painting as a means to get closer to the true beauty and spirit of things that inspire me.
I strive to capture the feeling of a scene rather than reproduce it. That is why I pack my gear out into the middle of a dry New Mexico arroyo. I need to experience the hot sun on my back, the smell of sage and chamisa, and the changing light as billowy clouds pass overhead.
I am captivated by color, and this has always been at the heart of my artwork. The magical hues of the desert, the alpenglow glistening from an aspen grove, the warm purple Sandia mountains at sunset, provide an endless source of inspiration to me. My art continues to evolve, as I experiment with simplicity, boldness of color, and creative expression. For me, the journey of art is also a path of self-awareness and discovery.