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Gallery With A Cause • Located in the New Mexico Cancer Center • Benefitting the NMCC Foundation

Please call gallery director Regina Held to arrange a private gallery tour, make a purchase, or ask any questions.

Born in Texas and raised in Oklahoma, I began taking photographs with a Nikkormat at age 18. At that time, I was fortunate to travel with my parents to Ethiopia where I attended my freshman year of college at the Haile Selassie I University, College of Agriculture. The photographic opportunities were incredibly rich.

My interest in photography grew upon my return to the US. Many summers spent in the mountains of northern New Mexico provided many wonderful subjects for my camera. Further adventures on a global cruise with World Campus Afloat (now Semester at Sea) during my senior year in collage gave me an exposure to and perspective of a world that I now cherish beyond words. Two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Ethiopia only made my passion for photography grow. From some of the most incredibly beautiful scenery and people on Earth to religious ceremonies, to everyday life, I have amassed a sizable collection of images of a world very few get to see.

My photographs have been published in New Mexico Magazine and for several years, I have exhibited in the Annual New Mexico Photographic Art Show (ANMPAS) in Albuquerque where I won a Judge’s Choice award. I have been honored in international competitions sponsored by the Santa Fe Workshops and the Monochrome Awards. I am also a participant in the annual Taos Fall Arts Festival. My photographs are included in private collections in New Mexico, Colorado, California, New York, Texas, Washington DC, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and the Netherlands.

My interest in photography as an art form took a major step forward when I studied black and white photography at the International Center of Photography in New York City. Since moving to New Mexico in 1988 I have dedicated myself to capturing New Mexico’s spirit and unmatched beauty. With a passion for capturing the story of New Mexico in black and white photography, my photographs evoke a thought-provoking, often soulful response. I am inspired by the art, culture, history, and people of New Mexico passing from my heart to my lens.

The blending of film and computer has given me a creative freedom that I never knew in the darkroom. Through digital photography my ability to express how I interpret the world has grown exponentially.

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