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Gallery With A Cause • Located in the New Mexico Cancer Center • Benefitting the NMCC Foundation

Please call gallery director Regina Held to arrange a private gallery tour, make a purchase, or ask any questions.


My journey into creating art started at age 13. In middle school I took wood shop as an elective. I was taught the very basics of wood burning.  As a young adult I began writing to cope with my inner anger. The first two books were filled with anger. As I continued to write, my anger turned into poetry. From poetry came photography which led to my wood burning art. Through the years I have incorporated paints into my wood. My art grew as I was growing as a person. I became more passionate about art, and my emotions were driving what I was creating. My art has become my therapy. And now I cannot live without creating.

I have nearly 30 years in the dental field. I work for a specialty office, which means we do one procedure all day long. As an artist, I cannot create one thing using just one medium. My mind is always turning on how I can create something new using different materials. Growing up in a small town, I have always been a tom boy. I enjoy being outdoors, either riding my bike along the bosque or riding my 4-wheeler. I find odd-shaped wood wherever I go - from the riverbanks to a 100-year-old barn at my parents in northern New Mexico - and I turn it into something beautiful.

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