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I began my art path while in high school, but it was quickly set aside when I joined the United States Air Force where I served 25 years as both enlisted and as an officer. Like many of my fellow service members, while I was afforded great opportunities during my military service, I came back to the States a changed man.

Once I retired, I was looking for a way to heal and work through PTSD symptoms. I took an art class with The Wounder Warrior Project, and it sparked something in me - something long forgotten, but that was deeply rooted. I picked up a paint brush and never looked back! In the beginning, my art was rudimentary to say the least, but as I began to heal, my paintings improved and began to show more emotion in the subject matter. I found that pastels were my medium of choice, while I still occasionally work in acrylic and watercolors.

I entered my first ever Juried art competition as an adult in 2019 at the New Mexico Veterans Health Care Creative Art Festival, in which I placed third in acrylics and second in pastels. In 2021 I received first place in pastels at the same creative art festival. Having no formal art training, I pride myself on working strictly from passion for the art and letting emotions show in the subjects I choose.

Artist Statement

I think a moment in time is unique for everyone and to capture that moment is lifechanging as well as challenging. Capturing the personality of an animal is the ultimate challenge. From the tilt of a head, a twinkle of playfulness in the depth of an eye and fur or feathers that look touchable are just as important to me as the animal itself. Using pastel on a velour substrate has proved to be an outstanding medium to do just that. I apply the pastels in layers on the velour to create a literal third dimension of depth that is impossible with other media. To me, the challenge of making my pastel paintings something relatable as well as pull at your heartstrings is the best part.

I enjoy getting out in nature as often as I can, and I think that helps me to bring a unique perspective to what I do. I find specializing in custom pet portraits and wildlife art gives me the opportunity to see an animal from alternate perspectives - whether it is of the pet owner or someone seeing an animal for the first time. I try to embrace my love for nature in my colorful pieces that are full of emotion and personality.

It is such a joy to see my clients’ reaction when I show them the finished piece of their beloved pet. It is an honor to be trusted with such a special part of peoples’ lives by capturing something that means so much. If I can share for even a moment the sense of wonder and beauty of my animal subjects with others, I will have accomplished the whole purpose of my art.

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